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Puppet/Master (The Vale Chronicles Book 1) Page 20

  “Because four wheels are for losers,” Elan answered, giving him a gentle push toward the door. He flashed his crystal and it opened up to the street below. “Gonna have to fit you for one of these soon.”

  Arden looked up at him doubtfully. “Seriously? I thought I’d be under house arrest for the next few centuries.”

  “We were grooming you for the Brotherhood before,” said Elan, wandering over to the garage around back. “Now, you’ve proven yourself.”

  “I didn’t fight Eric,” he protested. “I wouldn’t even have tried to escape if it weren’t for Vox.”

  “Loyalty’s a complicated thing,” Elan said, shrugging. “If you were willing to turn on Eric that easily, your devotion wouldn’t really mean that much. The fact that you were willing to go against him to save Vox says a lot.”

  “Even if I don’t agree with your ideology?” he asked. He no longer had a strong opinion about who deserved to reside in the Vale one way or another, but he certainly wasn’t a crusader like the rest of the Brotherhood seemed to be.

  “Being willing to fight for an idea requires a certain level of crazy,” Elan said, stopping in front of a monstrous machine that looked like it ate pavement. Arden’s gaze traveled over the gleaming metal curves and the red painted accents. To call the thing a motorcycle felt like an insult. It looked like the devil on wheels. “Being willing to fight for someone you love is a lot more practical.”

  Arden wasn’t sure how to respond, but when Elan climbed on, he realized he was expected to do the same. “Seriously?”

  “You don’t trust me?” Elan asked, flashing him a grin.

  Arden groaned, but he climbed on the bike behind Elan, securing his helmet in place. “I hope you know how to drive this thing.”

  “Of course. Hold on tight, little mouse.”

  “Mouse?” Arden scowled at the nickname, but he scarcely had time to take offense before the bike roared to life. He was sure Elan took off at breakneck speed just so he’d have to hold on. The vampire was surprisingly built under his leather jacket. Unfortunately, his body temperature was too low to provide any relief from the chill as they zipped through the side roads of the Vale, earning a few angry glances from fae who were just trying to enjoy a peaceful mid-afternoon stroll.

  “I see why you’re so popular here,” Arden yelled to be heard over the roar of the bike.

  Elan threw his head back and laughed. Arden had to admit, the view was second to none, even if it was flying by at a dizzying speed. He’d ridden motorcycles plenty of times in his career as an assassin, but that felt like forever ago, and he’d never been on a bike quite that large.

  At least Elan seemed to know what he was doing. He handled every twist of the dirt roads like an expert, and Arden couldn’t help but be impressed by the ease with which he controlled the raw power of the machine.

  The towering architecture of the Vale’s city central thinned out before long and they wound up driving through the countryside. Arden stared at the golden waters, wondering if it was an effect of the light or the result of some minerals in the seabed below.

  “Not bad, huh?” Elan called over his shoulder.

  “It would be nicer if we were going slow enough to see it.”

  The vampire laughed and took a turn down a small dirt road. When he came to a stop in the middle of the woods by a river, Arden couldn’t help but wonder if this was Elan’s way of getting rid of him.

  “Come on,” Elan said, offering a hand to help him off the bike.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Down to the water,” he answered. “It’s nice this time of year.”

  Arden looked up at the sky that hadn’t changed since he’d been there. “And that would be?”

  “Spring, or thereabouts,” Elan answered, dropping down by the shore. He patted the grass next to him for Arden to do the same.

  “You come here just to stare at the water?”

  Elan shrugged. “All the clubs and shopping districts aren’t really my thing.”

  “Do you ever miss the surface?”

  Elan kicked back, stretching out his long legs. “Sometimes. I miss the fighting mostly, but I go on missions when I get the itch.”

  “I still don’t understand why you left,” Arden admitted. “If you’re Eric’s brother, you couldn’t have been lacking in power.”

  Elan laughed. “You’d be surprised. We grew up together, but our experiences weren’t exactly parallel.”

  “I see,” Arden sighed. “And you really believe in Aeon’s cause? Protecting the Vale and all that?”

  Elan shrugged. “Truth be told, I’m not all that attached to this place. I just know what’ll happen if people like my brother get access to the power it holds, and yeah, I guess you could say I really believe in that.”

  Arden considered his answer, surprised he was being so candid. “Can I ask you something?”

  “You just did.”

  Arden snorted. “How did you really feel about bringing me here?”

  “Oh, that. I thought it was a shit idea.”

  Arden blinked.

  “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? The truth.”

  “I guess so,” he mumbled. “And now?”

  Elan considered it for a few moments before shrugging again. “I guess that depends on you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re changing. You’re not the spite-filled brat you were when Dusk first brought you here,” said Elan. “But I wouldn’t say I trust you, either. Not yet.”

  “I guess that’s fair.” Arden wasn’t sure Elan should trust him. Somehow the fact that the vampire didn’t seem to give a shit whether Arden trusted him or not made him seem more reliable.

  “Dusk really cares about you, y’know. So does Vox.”

  “I know,” Arden said quietly.

  Elan’s gaze darkened, his mouth quirking into a vaguely threatening smirk. “It just so happens I do trust them. Not their judgment, maybe, but their intentions. I don’t give a shit if you’re some delicate chimera or not. You hurt any of them, I’ll make you wish you were never grown in that lab. Got it?”

  Arden raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t grown, I was born.”

  “Same difference.”

  “Fine,” Arden sighed. “You’ve made your point.”

  “Good,” Elan said, laying back to close his eyes as the dim light hit his face through the clouds. “Then we won’t have any problems.”

  Arden reluctantly laid on his side, listening to the water run through the stream below. He had to admit, all threats aside, it was a fairly peaceful way to spend an afternoon.

  Chapter 26


  As soon as they reached the Brotherhood’s estate, the door flew open and Dusk stalked out. Arden was sure he’d done something to finally arouse the fae’s ire, but Dusk stomped right toward the vampire, his eyes glowing with irritation. “You took him out on a fucking joyride?”

  Arden stared in shock. He’d never heard the fae use foul language, let alone that word.

  “Ease up,” Elan snorted, helping Arden down off the bike. “He’s fine.”

  “Come here,” Dusk huffed, pulling Arden to him. He grabbed the chimera’s face and looked him over in concern. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m fine,” Arden blinked. “We just went for a ride in the woods.”

  “You shouldn’t be out at all,” Dusk said, shooting Elan a murderous look.

  The vampire rolled his eyes. “He needed some fresh air and watching you wring your hands all day sure wasn’t gonna help him feel any better.”

  “He’s not your ward,” Dusk snapped. “That’s not for you to decide.”

  “I thought he was our responsibility,” Elan shot back.

  Arden groaned. “Please stop fighting.”

  Dusk looked down at him guiltily, but he glared at Elan one last time for good measure. “Come on. Let’s get you inside,” he urged, putting a hand on Arden’s shoulder t
o lead him in.

  Arden turned back. “Thanks, Elan,” he called, before the fae could banish him to his room.

  “Don’t mention it, kid,” Elan snorted. Once he was gone, Arden and Dusk were left alone in the living room.

  “Nothing happened,” Arden insisted. “Really. It was nice to get out for a while.”

  “I suppose at least you had a good time,” Dusk said grudgingly. He studied Arden’s face in that maddening way that made him feel like he was a lab rat. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit,” he admitted. “Harding is gone, Vox isn’t himself, and everyone is treating me like I’m made of glass.”

  Dusk sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make this harder on you. I’m just worried.”

  “Look, maybe what happened with Lavien would be super traumatic to a normal chimera, but I’m not one.” Arden shrugged. “I’ve been a vampire most of my life. That has to count for something.”

  “Still. This isn’t just something you can blink and forget, and I’m sure the Chrysalus’ ultimatum is making things harder.”

  Arden hesitated. “You warned me that I’d have to choose a Master eventually. So it just has to be sooner than later.”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t have to happen now,” said Dusk. “You need to recover first. It can wait until after we’ve settled things with Vox.”

  “You mean until after you’ve killed Eric.” His bluntness seemed to catch the fae off guard. “Despite what you think, I’m not some fragile child who has to be tiptoed around,” said Arden. “I know what has to happen.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to be part of it.”

  “Eric is smart. The only way you’re going to draw him out is if you have something he wants,” said Arden. “No one escapes from him and the fact that I tried means he’ll stop at nothing to get me back.” It hurt to know that pride was the only reason he meant anything to Eric any longer, but he refused to be delusional about it. “It’s a matter of humiliation in front of the elves, and he can’t have that.”

  Dusk listened in quiet consideration. “Leo has been trying everything in hopes of jarring Vox’s memory. So far, nothing has been successful.”

  “We already know how to fix this,” Arden growled.

  “I’m not sure you fully understand what that will mean for you,” Dusk said. “Even though you’re no longer a vampire, Eric is still your sire. In many ways, he’s more than that. Have you thought of how it’s going to affect you when it happens?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he snapped, feeling guilty as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “Vox is the only thing that matters. If I have to choose between them, I choose him. It’s that simple.”

  “I understand,” Dusk said gently. “I just want to make sure you’re sure.”

  “I am. When it’s done, then I’ll think about finding a new Master.”

  Dusk nodded. “We’ll do whatever we can to help you. To find someone who can meet your needs.”

  It wasn’t his needs Arden was worried about, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. “When are we going back to the surface?”

  Dusk didn’t answer at first, and Arden could guess why easily enough. His eventual answer confirmed that suspicion. “Leo and I will go alone. We’ll find another way.”

  “It’s going to be dangerous enough without someone who knows how Eric works,” Arden reminded him. “You’re gonna need me and Elan. We’re stronger as a unit.”

  “Alright,” said Dusk. “But there’s still a chance it could go wrong, and if that happens, I want you to make me a promise.”

  “About what?” Arden asked warily.

  “Promise me that if anything happens to us, you’ll run. If this goes wrong, I don’t want you falling into Eric’s hands again. Don’t try to help. With or without you, what’s going to happen will.”

  “That’s not a very convincing pre-war pep talk,” Arden muttered, folding his arms.

  Dusk gave him a fond smile. “It’s not meant to be. You said you didn’t want to be treated like you’re made of glass, so I’m giving it to you on the level. There’s a very good chance we’re not all going to come back from this. I want you to be prepared.”

  “I know you’re worried about the Chrysalus falling into the Prince’s hands,” said Arden. “I won’t let them catch me.”

  Dusk frowned. “That’s part of it, but if you don’t understand that you’re part of this screwed up family we have going on here by now, I’m afraid you never will.”


  “I know you didn’t choose us originally,” he said quietly. “But the fact that you trusted us enough to come back here means a lot. Not just to me.”

  “I wasn’t sure I would,” he confessed. “But in a way, I guess I feel freer here than I ever did there. Maybe Eric’s right. I’ve changed.”

  “You have,” Dusk said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But I think that’s a good thing. You’re becoming your own person, Arden. That’s what I’ve always wanted for you.”

  The fae reached to pull something out of his pocket and when he opened his palm, Arden saw a crystal wand hanging from a golden chain. “Here. It’s about time I gave this to you.”

  “A key?” Arden asked in disbelief.

  Dusk smiled, placing the chain over Arden’s head. The crystal glowed with warmth as it settled against his collarbone and he felt the subtle stir of the Chrysalus energy within him surging to mingle with it. The crystal ceased glowing a moment later, but it still had a strange sheen in the light.

  “You’re still not an official member of the Brotherhood yet, and I’m afraid we’re not in any position to have an initiation right now,” said Dusk. “But I think you’ve more than earned the right to come and go as you please.”

  “Thank you,” Arden murmured, touching the crystal. He’d never expected to be welcomed back, let alone allowed to stay and given free reign.

  “You’ll need it if you’re going to be searching for a new Master in the city,” Dusk said wryly. “Though I don’t expect you’ll be on the market for very long.”

  Arden told himself the hint of longing in the fae’s eyes was just his imagination. Dusk and Leo already had each other. Why would they want him?

  He realized only then that the idea of finding a new Master wasn’t offensive because of his lingering loyalty to Eric. It was because his heart already knew what it wanted, and it was something he could never have.

  “Just out of curiosity… how do I find a master?”

  “There are plenty of ways,” Dusk said thoughtfully. “There are clubs, of course, but things would be different with a chimera. If you like, Leo and I can vet some proper choices for you to weed out those who would merely be interested in using you for power. From there, if you found a Master who proved himself worthy and compatible, you would, ah…” The fae trailed off, his face a deep red.

  “I’d what?” Arden pressed. He’d never seen Dusk bashful before, and it was surprisingly adorable.

  “Well, the ceremony can vary in terms of formality, but the basics are the same,” Dusk said, still flustered. “The submissive offers himself before his chosen by disrobing. It’s an act of vulnerability.”

  “And what if he doesn’t want me?” Arden asked. He couldn’t think of anything more humiliating than stripping down in front of a prospective Master only to have him say, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  Dusk gave him a faint smile. “I wouldn’t worry about that in the least.”

  Arden’s cheeks grew warm for some reason. “I guess I’ll worry about that later. Right now, all that matters is getting Vox better.”

  Dusk nodded in understanding. “In that case, we’ll leave in the morning. Unless you change your mind.”

  “I won’t,” said Arden. “I might have failed my first trial mission, but I won’t fail this one.”

  Chapter 27


  Try as he might, that night, Arden was unable to sleep. Vox was in
the sleep lab under close observation by a team of physicians who were grasping at straws for anything they might use to undo Eric’s conditioning. The only thing keeping Arden away was the knowledge that his presence seemed to distress Vox more than anything in his current state.

  The only thing he could do was hope he had the strength and the luck to give Eric the end he deserved. No matter how many times he mentally rehearsed the battle ahead, he knew Dusk was right. Their chances of winning were slim to none, and Arden wasn’t going to be able to live with himself if he didn’t pull out everything he had. Even if it meant swallowing his pride and putting himself on the line for yet another rejection.

  Arden finally reached the door to the suite Dusk and Leo shared and hesitated. He stopped to listen to the murmuring voices within. He knew they were speaking Prayan, because he couldn’t make out a word of it. Hushed tones of resignation and borderline defeat. He thought of knocking but knew he’d lose the nerve if he did. Instead, he turned the handle and pushed the door open.

  Dusk and Leo were both sitting on the bed, hands clasped as they leaned close in an intimate conversation. They stared at him in shock for a moment and he took the opportunity to close and lock the door behind him.

  “Arden?” Dusk was the first to speak, his eyes full of concern as he looked over at the chimera. “What are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

  Arden had rehearsed his answer to that question a hundred times, but the one he’d settled on sounded far more ridiculous in his head now than it had before. He’d never been good with words. Instead, he untied the sash binding his robe and let the silk slip off his shoulders and down his body to pool at his feet.

  For a moment, neither the fae nor the elf seemed to know how to respond.

  “Take me,” Arden said, keeping his head held high. “I offer myself and the Chrysalus to you.”

  Leopold’s expression darkened with understanding. Dusk’s was all concern.

  “Arden,” the fae whispered. “You don’t have to do this.”